Until her retirement in June 2019, Ms Fuziah had been in the Education Service for 47 years. In addition to her long career in Public Service, she is also a Grassroots Leader and an Environmental Champion. She has received a few National Day Awards including the Public Service Medal in 2008. She received the EcoFriend Award from NEA in 2012.
She served as Vice-Principal of Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School and Principal of North View Primary School and Fuhua Primary School. Under her leadership, Fuhua Primary School received several recognitions and awards including the People Developer Standard, Watermark Award, ASEAN Eco-School Award, President’s Award for the Environment, West Zone Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Best Practice in Partnership.
Ms Fuziah is currently an Educational Consultant and Trainer on pedagogy and instructional leadership and has conducted training for educators on effective strategies for student engagement to develop 21 st century competencies. She contributes to the community as a grassroots leader and is a member of an advisory committee of IMDA and the Climate Action SG Alliance (CASA).